Hilltop Writers

( workshops ) ( retreats ) ( coaching ) ( spoken word events )

Hilltop Writers

( workshops ) ( retreats ) ( coaching ) ( spoken word events )
Hilltop Writers Workshop2024-07-23T15:30:57+00:00

Summer/Autumn Workshop

Registration open (Max 10)

Tuesday Evenings 6:00-8:30 pm
8/6-9/10, 9/24-10/15 (10 Weeks)
@ Roland Park Community Center

5802 Roland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21210
  • Write to thought-provoking, multi-sensory prompts
  • Share with fellow writers for POSITIVE feedback
  • In final weeks, develop a piece for publication in From the Hilltop: A Collection of Prompted Writing
  • To register, call 410-963-0858 or email hilltopwriters20@gmail.com

What Happens in the Workshops?

The workshops are intentionally small (Max 10). We meet for 2 ½ hours, during which we write and respond to 2 thoughtfully curated writing prompts put forth by the workshop facilitator. A prompt might be a phrase or an image, an object, a smell; something to trigger a memory or to draw the imagination out to play.

We write without fear because we are pledged to confidentiality and because there is no hierarchy in these workshops. We pause and share what we wrote (always optional). Our fellow writers listen deeply and provide POSITIVE feedback, telling us what was strong in the piece.

We write, we find and hone our writer’s voice, we smile, laugh, cry and evolve as writers and as a supportive group. All the while our understanding of writing craft evolves as supplemental materials and mini writing craft lessons are seamlessly incorporated.

The workshops are informed by the Amherst Writers & Artists Method (www.amherstwriters.org) devised by author and teacher Pat Schneider and described in her book Writing Along and With Others.

What Happens In The Workshops?

The workshops are intentionally small (Max 10). We write to prompts, share our work, receive positive feedback from fellow writers. Each participant’s writing is equally respected. And you are free to experiment and dig deep as your writing will not be shared outside of the workshop. As your writing advances beyond the generative stage, you can request a peer review and editing support.

Guaranteed! You will write, find your voice, find direction, smile, laugh, cry, and evovle as a writer.ve fun!

Can’t Complain

By |September 24th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

I live in a nice house, in a nice neighborhood, and I drive a nice car. I have good health insurance, good credit, and a good education. I don’t travel or go to expensive restaurants, but I buy very, very expensive purses. Most of the time, I just wear jeans and a T-shirt. I wear little jewelry. I don’t drive a luxury car. I try to blend in with everybody else, yet frequently I feel like other people (usually women) look at me and think, “That rich, stuck-up bitch. She[...]

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